LD 598
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Protect the Public from Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Page 3 of 3
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LR 1664
Item 1

A-1. The following exceptions apply.

(1) An individual is not required to hold a shellfish
license issued by the commissioner under section 6601
in order to obtain a municipal commercial license.

(2) A municipality may issue licenses under this
section regardless of whether or not the area has
been closed by the commissioner.

(3) An individual taking shellfish from a closed an
approved or restricted area for depuration under a
depuration certificate issued by the commissioner is
not required to hold a municipal shellfish license.

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §6743, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 297, §4, is

Sec. 5. 12 MRSA §6747, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 328, §3, is

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §6856, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1989, c. 770, §1, is
further amended to read:

3. Depuration certificate. The commissioner may issue a
depuration certificate to a wholesale seafood license holder
that authorizes the holder to take shellfish from closed areas
designated__by the commissioner as approved or restricted for
depuration, processing and transportation. The certificate
must establish limits on harvesting, depurating and processing
methods and any other provisions required to assure ensure the
public safety. The commissioner may permit depuration of
shellfish not contaminated by paralytic shellfish poisoning
if, during depuration, a continual particle filtration process
is used and it is established that the water used during
depuration will not contaminate the shellfish with paralytic
shellfish poisoning. To ensure consistency with municipal
shellfish conservation programs, established pursuant to
section 6671, the commissioner must consult with a municipal
shellfish conservation committee before taking action to open
an area within that municipality for depuration digging. The
commissioner may continue to issue controlled purification
certificates for areas that were restricted to depuration
digging on September 1, 1989, without consulting

Sec. 7. 12 MRSA §6856, sub-§4, ¶D, as amended by PL 2001, c. 112, §3,
is further amended to read:

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