LD 734
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 Resolve, To Address the Maine Nursing Workforce Shortage through the Expansion ... LD 734 Title Page
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LR 931
Item 1

GENERAL FUND$1,764,400$1,764,400


SECTION TOTAL - ALL FUNDS$1,764,400$1,764,400


This resolve requires each head of a nursing program in the
University of Maine System and the Maine Technical College
System to report to the Joint Standing Committee on Education
and Cultural Affairs by January 5, 2004 on the nursing
workforce shortage in the State and the capacity of their
nursing program to graduate the necessary number of nursing
candidates to meet this shortage. This resolve appropriates
$1,282,800 for 56 associate degree candidate slots in nursing
and 80 bachelor's degree candidate slots in nursing at the
University of Maine System and $481,600 for 56 associate
degree candidate slots in nursing at the Maine Technical
College System.

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