LD 743
pg. 4
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LR 1194
Item 1

4.__Consumers and equipment end users.__Consumers and equipment
end users may be responsible for delivering electronic waste
into the solid waste collection system, as may be provided for
in the plan.__Under the plan, consumers must be able to return
electronic waste to the producer free of charge.

5.__Penalty.__A producer who fails to implement a program
within the time provided for under subsection 1 is prohibited
from selling electronic equipment in the State.

1319-DD.__Ban on incineration and landfilling of electronic

Electronic waste may not be disposed of in landfills,
incinerators, cement kilns or other methods of energy recovery
or energy generation dependent on combustion of waste.__This
ban applies to whole units of electronic waste and to the
constituent subunits and materials from which the units are

1319-EE.__Restrictions on hazardous materials

By 2006, producers selling electronic equipment in the State
must phase out the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent
chromium, brominated flame retardants and polyvinyl chloride
and may offer for sale only products that contain less harmful
alternatives.__If a producer provides sufficient demonstration
to the department that it is technically impossible to find an
alternative, the department may issue a limited-term
exemption.__An exemption may be rescinded once it becomes
possible to eliminate the substance.__If the exemption is
granted, the department must assign a limited amount of time
before the exemption expires to ensure that producers are
investing in research and development to identify an
appropriate alternative.

1319-FF.__Labeling; consumer notification; public education

1.__Labeling.__Within 12 months of the effective date of
this section, electronic equipment sold in the State must be
clearly marked and labeled, or informational materials must be
provided with the new product, providing consumers and end
users with information relating to the following:

A.__The hazardous materials contained in the electronic
equipment and the parts or subunits containing the
particular substances;

B.__The requirement not to dispose of electronic equipment
in landfills, incinerators or any other means not approved
as part of the plan; and

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