LD 782
pg. 5
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LR 83
Item 1

(3) Reasonable attorney's fees paid or incurred for
the services of an attorney in connection with the
court proceeding.

13.__Substantially prevails.__"Substantially prevails," with
reference to the taxpayer, means that the bureau fails to
establish that its position in the proceeding was
substantially justified.__The position of the bureau is
presumed not to be substantially justified if the bureau did
not follow its applicable published guidance in the
administrative proceeding. This presumption may be rebutted.__
In determining whether the position of the bureau was
substantially justified, the court shall take into account
whether the bureau has lost in court on substantially similar

§107.__Prevailing party awarded costs

In any administrative or court proceeding that is brought by
or against the bureau or State in connection with the
determination, collection, or refund of any tax, interest or
penalty under this Title, the prevailing party may be awarded
a judgment or a settlement for reasonable administrative costs
and reasonable litigation costs, as limited in this section.

1.__Administrative remedies must be exhausted.__A judgment
for reasonable litigation costs may not be awarded in any
court proceeding unless the court determines that the
prevailing party has exhausted the administrative remedies
available to that party within the bureau. A failure to agree
to an extension of the time for the assessment of any tax may
not be taken into account for purposes of determining whether
the prevailing party meets the requirements of this

2.__Only costs allocable to State.__An award under this
section may be made only for reasonable litigation and
administrative costs that are allocable to the State and not
to any other party.

3.__Costs denied where party prevailing protracts
proceedings.__An award for reasonable litigation and
administrative costs may not be made with respect to any
portion of the administrative or court proceeding during which
the prevailing party has unreasonably protracted that

4.__Period for applying to bureau for administrative costs.__
An award may be made under this section by the bureau for
reasonable administrative costs only if the prevailing party
files an application with the bureau for those costs before
the 91st day after the date on which the final decision of the

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