LD 823
pg. 1
LD 823 Title Page An Act To Distribute Costs for the Funding of Pensions and Health Insurance for... LD 823 Title Page
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LR 843
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill would require local school administrative units to
pay the employer portion of the costs of teacher retirement
and teacher retiree health insurance. Those costs would be
counted as local operating costs for purposes of the school
funding formula. Units would be reimbursed by the State for
these costs, to the same extent they are reimbursed for
teacher salaries and other operating costs. Currently, the
State pays the employer portion of teacher retirement costs
and pays 35% of the cost of retiree health insurance. The
retiree pays the remaining cost of health insurance.

The Maine State Retirement System would continue to
determine the normal cost of retirement benefits for teachers,
and the local school administrative units would contribute the
employer portion of the normal cost to the retirement plan.
The State would continue to make payments to amortize the
unfunded actuarial liability of the teacher retirement plan.

The local school administrative unit would pay the employer
portion of retiree health insurance, currently set at 35% and
rising to 40% later in 2003. In addition to paying the
current cost for retirees, the units would contribute an
actuarially determined amount into a reserve fund to pay the
cost of future health insurance benefits for members who are
not yet retired. The unfunded liability created by past
service of currently active members would be determined and
amortized over a reasonable period, and the liability created
by service rendered after the effective date of the bill would
be paid each year into the reserve fund.

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