LD 853
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Promote Livable, Affordable Neighborhoods LD 853 Title Page
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LR 707
Item 1

small-scale nonresidential structures and uses found by the
board to be integral to the development.

D.__A precertified affordable neighborhood development is
subject to the same municipal subdivision and site plan
reviews as other residential developments in the
municipality, except that such reviews may not require
dimensional standards for lots, buildings or roads in
excess of the design guidelines established pursuant to
subsection 5.__Municipal subdivision and site plan reviews
of precertified developments must be completed within 180
days of the submission of a complete application for such

E.__A municipality may substitute its own definition of
"accessory dwelling unit" for the definition in subsection
2, paragraph A as long as that definition does not have
the effect of prohibiting such a unit in an affordable
neighborhood development.

5.__Design guidelines; rules.__The board shall adopt by rule
design guidelines for an affordable neighborhood development.
The office, in cooperation with the board, shall prepare draft
guidelines for the board's consideration.__The guidelines must
include submission requirements and related fees and must
generally respect the principles of walkable neighborhoods
with a variety of lot sizes and types and choice of housing
for households of different incomes that respect the natural
environment, provide for adequate fire protection and public
safety and provide for appropriate internal open space and
other common open space.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
subsection are major substantive rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.

Sec. 3. Submission of rules. Rules adopted by the State Affordable
Neighborhood Development Review Board pursuant to the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 4361, subsection 5 must
be submitted to the Legislature in accordance with the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A no
later than December 1, 2004.


This bill establishes the State Affordable Neighborhood
Development Review Board within the Maine State Housing
Authority and establishes standards for affordable
neighborhood developments.

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