LD 858
pg. 9
Page 8 of 13 An Act To Establish a Municipal Affordable Housing Development District Tax Inc... Page 10 of 13
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LR 787
Item 1

review the proposal for the district to ensure that the proposal
complies with statutory requirements.

3.__Effective date.__A designation of an affordable housing
development district is effective upon approval by the

4.__Administration of district.__The legislative body of a
municipality may create a department, designate an existing
department, office, agency, municipal housing or redevelopment
authority or enter into a contractual arrangement with a
private entity to administer activities authorized under this

5.__Amendments.__A municipality may amend a designated
affordable housing development district or an adopted
affordable housing development program only after meeting the
requirements of this section for designation of an affordable
housing development district or adoption of an affordable
housing development program. A municipality may not amend the
designation of an affordable housing development district if
the amendment would result in the district's being out of
compliance with any of the conditions in section 5247,
subsection 3.

§5250-A.__Affordable housing tax increment financing

1.__Designation of captured assessed value.__A municipality
may retain all or part of the tax increment revenues generated
from the increased assessed value of an affordable housing
development district for the purpose of financing the
affordable housing development program. The amount of tax
increment revenues to be retained is determined by designating
the captured assessed value. When an affordable housing
development program for an affordable housing development
district is adopted, the municipal legislative body shall
adopt a statement of the percentage of increased assessed
value to be retained as captured assessed value in accordance
with the affordable housing development program. The statement
of percentage may establish a specific percentage or
percentages or may describe a method or formula for
determination of the percentage. The municipal assessor shall
certify the amount of the captured assessed value to the
municipality each year.

2.__Certification of assessed value.__Upon or after the
formation of an affordable housing development district, the
assessor of the municipality in which the district is located
shall certify the original assessed value of the taxable
property within the boundaries of the affordable housing
development district. Each year after the designation of an
affordable housing development district, the municipal
assessor shall certify the amount by which the assessed value
has increased or decreased from the original value.

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