LD 986
pg. 5
Page 4 of 77 An Act To Enact the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act Amendments of 1996 an... Page 6 of 77
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LR 467
Item 1

(c) To facilitate efficient interstate establishment,
enforcement, and modification of child support orders, forms
sanctioned by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement
are available. Although developed in conjunction with the
federal IV-D program, private parties and their attorneys who
are engaged in an interstate child support case are well
advised to use the appropriate forms for transmission of
information to the responding State, Section 311(b). The
information in those forms is declared to be admissible
evidence, Section 316(b).

(d) Authority is provided for the transmission of information
and documents through electronic and other modern means of
communication, Section 316(e).

(e) Tribunals are directed to permit an out-of-state party or
witness to be deposed or to testify by telephone conference,
Section 316(f).

(f) Tribunals are required to cooperate in the discovery
process for use in a tribunal in another State, Section 318.

(g) A tribunal and a support enforcement agency providing
services to a supported family must keep the parties informed
about all important developments in a case, Sections 305 and

(h) A registered support order is confirmed and immediately
enforceable unless the respondent files an objection in a
record within a fixed period of time, almost invariably the 20
days suggested originally, Sections 603 and 607.

6. INTERSTATE PARENTAGE. UIFSA authorizes establishment of
parentage in an interstate proceeding, even if not coupled
with a proceeding to establish support, Section 701.

C. Enforcing a Support Order

1. DIRECT ENFORCEMENT. UIFSA provides two direct enforcement
procedures that do not require assistance from a tribunal.
First, a notice may be sent directly to the obligor's employer
in another State, Section 501, which triggers income
withholding by that employer without the necessity of a
hearing unless the employee objects. The Act details the
procedure to be followed by the employer in response to an
interstate request for direct income withholding, Sections
502-506. Additionally, the Act provides for direct
administrative enforcement by the support enforcement agency
of the obligor's State, Section 507.

2. REGISTRATION. Enforcement of a support order of another
State or nation involving a tribunal of the forum State begins
with the registration of the existing support order in a
tribunal of the

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