LD 986
pg. 58
Page 57 of 77 An Act To Enact the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act Amendments of 1996 an... Page 59 of 77
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LR 467
Item 1

E. The Except as provided in section 3012, the name and
address of the obligee and, if applicable, the agency or
person to whom support payments are to be remitted.

2. File as foreign judgment. Upon receipt of a request for
registration, the registering tribunal shall file the order as
a foreign judgment, together with one copy of the documents
and information, regardless of their form.

3. Additional petition filed at same time. A petition or
comparable pleading seeking a remedy that must be
affirmatively sought under other law of this State may be
filed at the same time as the request for registration, or
later. The pleading must specify the grounds for the remedy

4.__Two or more orders in effect.__If 2 or more orders are
in effect, the person requesting registration shall:

A.__Furnish to the tribunal a copy of every support order
asserted to be in effect in addition to the documents
specified in this section;

B.__Specify the order alleged to be the controlling order,
if any; and

C.__Specify the amount of consolidated arrears, if any.

5.__Request for determination of controlling order.__A
request for a determination of which order is the controlling
order may be filed separately or with a request for
registration and enforcement or for registration and
modification.__The person requesting registration shall give
notice of the request to each party whose rights may be
affected by the determination.

Uniform Comment

(This is Section 602 of the Uniform Act.)

Subsection (a) outlines the mechanics for registration of an
interstate order. Substantial compliance with the requirements
is expected, Twaddell v. Anderson, 523 S.E.2d 710 (N.C. App.
1999); In re Chapman, 973 S.W.2d 346 (Tex. App. 1998).

Subsection (b) confirms that the order being registered is not
converted into an order of the responding State, but rather
continues to be an order of the issuing State.

Subsection (c) warns that if a particular enforcement remedy
must be specifically sought under local law, the same rule of
pleading is applicable as in an interstate case. For example,
if license

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