LD 1001
pg. 1
LD 1001 Title Page An Act To Modify the Criteria for Approval of Aquaculture Leases Page 2 of 2
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LR 1485
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6072, sub-§7-A, as amended by PL 1999, c. 267, §2,
is further amended to read:

7-A. Decision. The commissioner may grant the lease if the
proposed project meets the following conditions as defined by

A. Will not unreasonably interfere with the ingress and
egress of riparian owners;

B. Will not unreasonably interfere with navigation;

C. Will not unreasonably interfere with fishing or other
uses of the area taking into consideration the number and
density of aquaculture leases in an area. For the
purposes of this paragraph, "fishing" includes public
access to a redeemable shellfish resource, as defined by
the department, for the purpose of harvesting, provided
that the resource is commercially significant and subject
to a pollution abatement plan that predates the lease
application, that includes verifiable activities in the
process of implementation and that is reasonably expected
to result in the opening of the area to the taking of
shellfish within 3 years;

D. Will not unreasonably interfere with significant
wildlife habitat and marine habitat or with the ability of
the lease site and surrounding marine and upland areas to
support existing ecologically significant flora and fauna;

E. The applicant has demonstrated that there is an
available source of organisms to be cultured for the lease
site; and

F. The lease does not unreasonably interfere with public
use or enjoyment within 1,000 feet of municipally owned,
state owned state-owned or federally owned beaches and
parks or municipally owned, state owned state-owned or
federally owned docking facilities.;

G.__Will not result in unreasonable impact from noise,
vibration, glare or light at the boundaries of the lease
site; and

H.__For leases in excess of 8 acres, will be in compliance
with visual impact criteria adopted by the commissioner
relating to color, height, shape, mass and distance from
conservation lands, public parks and existing residential

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