LD 1006
pg. 1
LD 1006 Title Page An Act To Require Confirmation of Appointments to the Board of Accountancy BY R... LD 1006 Title Page
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LR 949
Item 1

Preamble. The Constitution of Maine, Article V, Part First,
Section 8 provides that certain statutes enacted relating to
confirmation procedures for gubernatorial nominees require a
2/3 vote of the members of each House present and voting.

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §12213, as amended by PL 1993, c. 600, Pt. A,
§264, is further amended to read:

§12213. Appointment

The Board of Accountancy, as established by Title 5, section
12004-A, subsection 1, within the Department of Professional
and Financial Regulation consists of 5 members appointed by
the Governor subject to confirmation by the Legislature. Each
member of the board must be a citizen of the United States and
a resident of this State. Three members must be holders of
certificates issued under section 12227 and of currently valid
permits issued under section 12251 and must have had, as their
principal occupation, active practice as certified public
accountants for at least the 5 preceding years. One member
must hold a certificate issued under section 12239 and a
currently valid permit issued under section 12251 and must
have had, as a principal occupation, active practice as a
noncertified public accountant for at least the 5 preceding
years. One member of the board must be a representative of the
public. Appointments are for 3-year terms. Appointments of
members must comply with section 60. The Governor may remove
a member of the board for cause.

Sec. 2. Transition. Any member serving on the Board of
Accountancy on the effective date of this Act may continue to
serve until the term for which that member was appointed


This bill requires that gubernatorial appointments to the
Board of Accountancy are subject to review by the appropriate
legislative committee and approval by the Senate.

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