LD 1024
pg. 1
LD 1024 Title Page An Act To Increase Access to Prescription Drugs for Low-income Elderly and Disa... LD 1024 Title Page
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LR 1170
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. State matching funds. The total amount of General Fund
appropriations to the elderly low-cost drug program by Public
Law 2001, chapter 358 as amended by Public Law 2001, chapter
439, but not including any deappropriation or deallocation
made by Public Law 2001, chapter 714 or any reductions made by
financial or executive order, must be used as state matching
funds for any federal funds received under the waiver pursuant
to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 3174-G,
subsection 1-C and must be used to provide additional benefits
to those eligible for the elderly low-cost drug program.


This bill is intended to ensure that the total amount of
General Fund appropriations to the elderly low-cost drug
program remain in that program to serve as state matching
funds for any new federal funds received under a waiver and
are used to provide additional benefits to those eligible for
the elderly low-cost drug program.

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