LD 1049
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LD 1049 Title Page An Act To Allow Women Recovering from Childbirth To Be Issued Temporary Handica... Page 2 of 2
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LR 649
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §521, sub-§1, ¶E, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 482,
Pt. A, §4, is amended to read:

E. Has a cardiac condition to the extent that the
person's functional limitations are classified in severity
as Class 3 or Class 4 according to standards set by the
American Heart Association; or

Sec. 2. 29-A MRSA §521, sub-§1, ¶F, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 482,
Pt. A, §4, is amended to read:

F. Is severely limited in the ability to walk due to an
arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition.; or

Sec. 3. 29-A MRSA §521, sub-§1, ¶G is enacted to read:

G.__Is recovering from childbirth.

Sec. 4. 29-A MRSA §521, sub-§6, ¶A, as amended by PL 2001, c. 35, §3,
is further amended to read:

A. An application for a temporary placard must be
accompanied by the certificate of a physician, physician
assistant or nurse practitioner attesting to the
applicant's physical disability as defined in subsection 1
and the period of time that the physician, physician
assistant or nurse practitioner determines the applicant
will have the disability. A temporary placard is not
valid for a period of more than 6 months. The Secretary
of State must give priority consideration to requests for
temporary placards.

A temporary placard issued pursuant to subsection 1,
paragraph G is valid, after the birth of a child, for a
period of not more than:

(1)__Three days in winter for natural child birth;

(2)__One week for a cesarean delivery; or

(3)__A time to be determined by the patient's
physician for a premature birth.

Sec. 5. 29-A MRSA §521, sub-§6, ¶D is enacted to read:

D.__The Secretary of State shall provide hospitals with
information to be given to maternity patients, explaining
the availability and procedure by which a temporary
disability placard may be obtained.

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