LD 1051
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Expand the Mission of the Public Advocate Page 3 of 3
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LR 1263
Item 1

The Public Advocate may petition the bureau to initiate
proceedings to review, investigate and take appropriate action
with respect to the rates or service of any insurer when
determined necessary by the Public Advocate.

§305.__Public complaints

The Public Advocate may investigate complaints affecting the
consumers of insurance generally, or particular groups of
consumers, and when appropriate make recommendations to the
bureau with respect to these complaints.

§306.__Intervention on behalf of public

The Public Advocate may, on behalf of the public consumers
of insurance services and products or any particular group of
consumers, petition to initiate or intervene and appear in any
proceedings before the bureau, appeals from orders of the
superintendent or bureau or proceedings before state and
federal agencies and courts in which the subject matter of the
action affects the customers of any insurer doing business in
this State, except that the Public Advocate may not intervene
in any proceeding in which the bureau staff is representing a
position substantially similar to that of the Public Advocate,
as determined by the Public Advocate.

§307.__Annual report

The Public Advocate shall prepare and submit an annual
report of activities of the Public Advocate to the Governor
and to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over insurance matters by August 1st of each
year, with copies available to all Legislators on request.

Sec. 2. 24-A MRSA §2382-C, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7.__Rate change filing fee.__An insurer filing for a rate
change under this chapter, in addition to any other fee
specified in this Title, shall pay to the superintendent at
the time of filing a filing fee of $50,000, which the
superintendent immediately shall credit to the Public
Advocate.__The fee must be segregated and expended for the
purposes specified in chapter 4.__Any portion of the fee not
expended for that purpose must be returned to the insurer.


This bill expands the duties of the Public Advocate to
include oversight of the insurance industry by allowing the

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