LD 1073
pg. 1
LD 1073 Title Page An Act To Extend the Duties of the Children's Ombudsman Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §4087-A, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt.
X, §5, is amended to read:

2. Program established. The ombudsman program is
established as an independent program within the Executive
Department to provide ombudsman services to the children and
families of the State regarding child welfare services
provided by the Department of Human Services and services
provided to children by the Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services. The program shall consider and
promote the best interests of the child involved, answer
inquiries and investigate, advise and work toward resolution
of complaints of infringement of the rights of the child and
family involved. The program must be staffed, under contract,
by an attorney or a master's level social worker who must have
experience in child development and advocacy, and support
staff as determined to be necessary. The program shall
function through the staff of the program and volunteers
recruited and trained to assist in the duties of the program.

Sec. 2. 22 MRSA §4087-A, sub-§4, ¶¶B, D and G, as enacted by PL 2001, c.
439, Pt. X, §5, are amended to read:

B. Answer inquiries, investigate and work toward
resolution of complaints regarding the performance and
services of the department and the Department of
Behavioral and Developmental Services and participate in
conferences, meetings and studies that may improve the
performance of the department and the Department of
Behavioral and Developmental Services;

D. Inform persons of the means of obtaining services from
the department and the Department of Behavioral and
Developmental Services;

G. Determine what types of complaints and inquiries will
be accepted for action by the program and adopt policies
and procedures regarding communication with persons making
inquiries or complaints and the department or the
Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services;

Sec. 3. 22 MRSA §4087-A, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt.
X, §5, is amended to read:

5. Access to persons, files and records. As necessary for
the duties of the program, the ombudsman has access to the
files and records of the department and the Department of
Behavioral and Developmental Services, without fee, and to the
personnel of

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