LD 1088
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 Resolve, To Create a Study Committee To Consider Bay Management Planning LD 1088 Title Page
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LR 1493
Item 1

committee shall develop a comprehensive process and make
recommendations on how to implement the plans. The committee
shall hold at least 3 public hearings to receive input from the
general public. The committee may:

1. Hold informational sessions for discussions with
knowledgeable persons;

2. Conduct, summarize and analyze the results of a
literature search;

3. Conduct, tabulate and analyze the results of a survey of
the public or affected persons and groups;

4. Procure and analyze relevant data;

5. Conduct legal research and prepare opinions on legal
questions within the scope of the study; and

6. Determine and summarize the legislative actions or
governmental programs undertaken in other jurisdictions
related to issues within the scope of the study; and be it

Sec. 3. Report. Resolved: That, no later than December 15, 2003,
the committee shall submit its report that includes its
findings and recommendations, including suggested legislation,
for presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on Marine
Resources. The committee is authorized to submit legislation
related to its report to the Second Regular Session of the
121st Legislature.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the
preamble, this resolve takes effect when approved.


This resolve directs the Commissioner of Marine Resources to
establish a committee to study bay management planning for
siting aquaculture facilities, which will hold 3 public
hearings and analyze the data given and issue a report and
recommendations and suggested legislation to the Second
Regular Session of the 121st Legislature.

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