LD 1093
pg. 4
Page 3 of 11 An Act to Conform State Workforce Development Laws to the Federal Workforce Inv... Page 5 of 11
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LR 445
Item 1

C. Monitoring agency and system-wide strategic goals
based on the statewide workforce development policy and
strategic plan and evaluating progress toward meeting
those goals;

D. Providing recommendations to the Governor and the
Legislature that would improve system effectiveness and
reduce system fragmentation;

E. Creating greater coordination between economic
development and human resource development and education
programs; and

F. Ensuring a balance between rural and urban workforce

G.__Providing policy oversight and recommendations to
ensure the effectiveness of vocational programs for people
with disabilities in order to support efforts that reduce
barriers to employment;

H.__Providing policy oversight and recommendations to
ensure that self-employment, microenterprise and small
business are part of the overall workforce development

I.__Providing policy recommendations to ensure the
effectiveness of work-related programs and services for
youth, including youth with disabilities; and

J.__Providing policy recommendations to ensure the
effectiveness of work-related programs and services for
"at-risk" youth.

2. Membership. The council consists of members appointed
by the Governor.

A. If the State has received a waiver under the Omnibus
Appropriations Act, 1997, United States Department of
Labor Appropriations, federal Public Law 104-208, Section
105, 35% Thirty-five percent of the appointments must
represent business and industry with consideration given
to a balance among small, medium and large firms and 35%
must represent employees, with no less than 15% of the
total membership on the council representing organized
labor. The remaining 30% must represent the general

B. If the State has not received a waiver under the Omnibus
Appropriations Act, 1997, United States Department of Labor
Appropriations, federal Public Law 104-208, Section 105,
appointments Appointments must be made consistent with the
representation requirements of the United States Job

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