LD 1142
pg. 10
Page 9 of 16 An Act To Restructure the Power and Duties within the Animal Welfare Act Page 11 of 16
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LR 1131
Item 1

Municipal clerks, annually, on or before April 1st, shall
certify to the commissioner chief humane agent the name and
location of the animal shelter with which the municipality has
entered into a contract to accept stray animals or have an
arrangement for an animal shelter that will accept stray
animals. Animal shelters designated by the municipality under
this section must comply with commissioner chief humane agent

Sec. 19. 7 MRSA §3950-A, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ¶¶, as enacted by PL 1983, c.
383, §3 and amended by PL 1993, c. 468, §25, are further
amended to read:

The commissioner chief humane agent, at its the agent's own
instance or upon written complaint made to it the agent by any
person, shall investigate any alleged refusal or neglect of
duty by any municipal officer.

The commissioner chief humane agent shall direct
proceedings, actions and prosecutions to be instituted to
enforce all laws relating to animals and to the liability of
municipal officers and their agents for failure, neglect or
refusal to comply with the laws relating to animals.

The Attorney General and district attorneys, upon the
commissioner's chief humane agent's written request, shall
institute such legal proceedings as may be necessary to carry
out this section.

Sec. 21. 7 MRSA §3971, sub-§§3 and 4, as amended by PL 1993, c. 468,
§25, are further amended to read:

3. Standards of treatment. Any animal whose use is
permitted under this section shall must be treated in
accordance with the ethical and humane standards promulgated
adopted by the commissioner chief humane agent pursuant to the
rule-making provisions of the Maine Administrative Procedure
Act, Title 5, chapter 375, after consultation with
representative groups in the State having an interest or
expertise in the field of animal welfare, biology and

4. Enforcement. The commissioner chief humane agent shall
enforce this section in consultation with the Commissioner of

Sec. 22. 7 MRSA §§3983, 3984 and 3985, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 383,
§3 and amended by PL 1993, c. 468, §25, are further amended to

§3983. Possession of animals unlawfully detained

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