LD 1142
pg. 15
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LR 1131
Item 1

A. To take possession of any maimed, disabled, diseased,
dehydrated, malnourished or injured animal or any animal
whose owner has cruelly abandoned or cruelly treated it and
turn over the animal to the applicant or other suitable
person; or

B. To cause the animal to be disposed of humanely.

Sec. 31. 17 MRSA §1021, sub-§4, ķA, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 690,
§63, is amended by amending the first paragraph to read:

A. A state veterinarian, humane agent, sheriff, deputy
sheriff, constable, police officer, animal control
officer, person authorized to make arrests or the
commissioner chief humane agent may apply to the District
Court, Superior Court or a justice of the peace for an ex
parte order for authorization to take possession of any
maimed, disabled, diseased, dehydrated, malnourished or
injured animal or any animal whose owner has cruelly
abandoned or cruelly treated it and turn it over to the
applicant or any other suitable person.

Sec. 32. 17 MRSA §1022, as amended by PL 1997, c. 690, §65, is
further amended to read:

§1022. Prevention of cruelty

The commissioner chief humane agent or any person authorized
to make arrests may lawfully interfere to prevent the
perpetration of any act of cruelty upon an animal in that
person's presence.

Sec. 33. 17 MRSA §1023, as repealed and replaced by PL 2001, c.
422, §13, is amended to read:

§1023. Investigation and reporting of cruelty

1. Investigations; reports. Law enforcement officers,
animal control officers and humane agents shall investigate
alleged violations of Title 7, chapter 739 and this chapter.
The commissioner chief humane agent shall maintain a record of
each alleged case of cruelty to animals investigated by a
humane agent. The commissioner chief humane agent shall
report annually on the disposition of cases as required under
Title 7, section 3906-B.

A law enforcement officer or animal control officer who
investigates a case of alleged cruelty to animals and pursues
a civil or criminal action based on that investigation shall

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