LD 1142
pg. 5
Page 4 of 16 An Act To Restructure the Power and Duties within the Animal Welfare Act Page 6 of 16
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LR 1131
Item 1

Commissioner of Agricultural, Food and Rural Resources and may
keep the commissioner updated on the activities of the agency.

Sec. 7. 7 MRSA §3907, sub-§11, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 383, §3, is

Sec. 8. 7 MRSA §3909, as amended by PL 2001, c. 422, §5, is
further amended to read:

§3909. Enforcement

1. Attorney General and district attorneys. Whenever a
person has engaged in or is about to engage in an act or
practice that constitutes a violation of this Act, a rule
adopted pursuant to this Act or a condition of an order,
license or permit approved or decision issued by the
commissioner chief humane agent pursuant to this Act, or that
constitutes a violation of chapter 739 or Title 17, chapter
42, the Attorney General or a District Attorney district
attorney, at the request of the commissioner chief humane
agent, may institute proceedings before the District Court or
Superior Court for an order enjoining those acts or practices,
an order directing compliance or imposing a civil or criminal
penalty, or any combination of these actions, as provided by
law. Upon a showing by the commissioner chief humane agent
that the person has engaged or is about to engage in such an
act or practice, the court may grant a permanent or temporary
injunction, restraining order or other order as appropriate.

2. Designated employees of department. For purposes of
prosecution under this section, the commissioner chief humane
agent may authorize humane agents and a state veterinarian to
serve civil and criminal process pursuant to the Maine Rules
of Civil Procedure, Rule 80H and any other applicable rules of
court. The commissioner chief humane agent may authorize
humane agents or a state veterinarian to represent the
department in District Court in the prosecution of civil
violations of these laws. Certification of the humane agents
and a state veterinarian for this purpose is as provided under
Title 30-A, section 4453, subsection 5. Once certified,
prosecution by the humane agent or a state veterinarian may
seek civil penalties as provided by law as well as a permanent
or temporary injunction, restraining order or other equitable
relief as the court finds appropriate.

3. Education requirement; management. A humane agent hired
after January 1, 1999 shall attend a nationally recognized
animal law enforcement training program of at least 40 hours'
duration, regardless of the date of employment, must attend
and successfully complete the Maine Criminal Justice Academy

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