LD 1142
pg. 7
Page 6 of 16 An Act To Restructure the Power and Duties within the Animal Welfare Act Page 8 of 16
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LR 1131
Item 1

3. Proof of immunization. Except as provided in subsection 3-
A, a municipal clerk may not issue a license for a dog until the
applicant has filed with the clerk proof that the dog has been
immunized against rabies in accordance with rules adopted by the
Commissioner of Human Services, except that the requirement of
immunization may be waived by the clerk under conditions set
forth by the Commissioner of Human Services.

The commissioner Commissioner of Human Services shall adopt
rules that allow the clerk and the commissioner Commissioner
of Human Services to accept valid proof of immunization
against rabies provided by another state.

Sec. 11. 7 MRSA §3923-F, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 422, §10, is
amended to read:

§3923-F. Veterinarian serving as dog licensing agent

The commissioner chief humane agent may authorize a
veterinarian licensed in accordance with Title 32, chapter 71-
A to issue dog licenses under section 3923-A. The
commissioner chief humane agent shall adopt rules to implement
this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this section are
routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A 2-A. The rules must provide a process for
identifying veterinarians who are willing to serve as dog
licensing agents, for distributing license blanks, tags and
stickers, and for the collection, distribution and deposit of
license fees into the appropriate municipal and state

Sec. 12. 7 MRSA §3936, as amended by PL 1997, c. 690, §24 and PL
1999, c. 547, Pt. B, §78 and affected by §80, is further
amended to read:

§3936. Inspection and quarantine

1. Inspection and quarantine. The commissioner chief
humane agent, a state humane agent, a veterinarian employed by
the State or a licensed veterinarian at the direction of the
commissioner chief humane agent may, at any reasonable time,
enter an animal shelter, kennel, boarding kennel, breeding
kennel or pet shop and make examinations and conduct any
recognized tests for the existence of contagious or infectious
diseases or conditions. If the animal shelter, kennel,
boarding kennel, breeding kennel or pet shop is also used for
human habitation, the person authorized to make examinations
and conduct tests must be escorted by the owner, or the
owner's agent, of the animal shelter, kennel, boarding kennel,
breeding kennel or pet shop and the examinations and tests may
be made only in those portions of

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