LD 1168
pg. 1
LD 1168 Title Page An Act To Establish a Cap on Credit Card Rates and To Require Notice of a Chang... LD 1168 Title Page
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 9-A MRSA §2-202, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1999, c. 184, §1,
is further amended to read:

7. With respect to consumer credit sales made pursuant to a
credit card, other than a lender credit card, a creditor may
not impose a finance charge if it is in excess of that set
forth in the agreement between the consumer and the creditor
18% per year on the unpaid balance on the credit card.

Sec. 2. 9-A MRSA §2-202, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__With respect to a consumer credit sale made pursuant to
open-end credit, a creditor shall notify a consumer prior to
instituting an increase in the percentage used to determine a
finance charge, even if the increase is generally described
and set forth in the agreement between the creditor and the

Sec. 3. 9-A MRSA §2-402, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 618, §2,
is amended to read:

5. With respect to loans made pursuant to a lender credit
card, a creditor may not impose a finance charge if it is in
excess of that set forth in the agreement between the consumer
and the creditor 18% per year on the unpaid balance on the
credit card.

Sec. 4. 9-A MRSA §2-402, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__With respect to loans made on open-end credit, a
creditor shall notify a consumer prior to instituting an
increase in the percentage used to determine a finance charge,
even if the__increase is generally described and set forth in
the agreement between the creditor and the consumer.


This bill establishes a cap on the percentage of interest
rates on credit card balances at 18% per year. This bill also
requires creditors to notify consumers before raising the
percentage of interest rates on credit card balances, even if
the increase is described in the credit agreement between the
creditor and consumer.

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