LD 1189
pg. 7
Page 6 of 9 An Act To Establish the Commission for the Blind Page 8 of 9
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LR 1427
Item 1

account for the value of investments made by the commission
to create or maintain the vending facility.

B.__This subsection applies to the rental of vending
facilities and the renewal of any rental agreement after
the effective date of this section.

5.__Commission duties.__In carrying out this section the
commission shall:

A.__Maintain a roster of blind persons eligible to become
managers including those blind persons to whom licenses
have been issued;

B.__Appoint a hearing board when a manager wishes to
appeal a decision.__The hearing board must consist of 3
persons, one chosen by the manager, one chosen by the
commission and the 3rd person chosen by the other 2
persons.__The decision of the hearing board is final;

C.__Determine the right to, the title to and the interest
in vending facility equipment and stock;

D.__Provide managers appropriate notice of their civil

E.__Conduct surveys to find locations where vending
facilities may be operated by blind persons and establish
vending facilities as it determines appropriate;

F.__Provide management and supervisory services determined
necessary to ensure that each vending facility is operated
in the most effective and productive manner possible;

G.__Provide plans and specifications for proposed vending
facilities and equipment to the appropriate officer, board
or authority for approval prior to installation; and

H.__ Take any other action necessary or appropriate to
carry out the purposes of this section.

§19607.__Mandatory report of blindness; notice of services

Whenever, upon examination at a clinic, hospital or other
institution, or elsewhere, by a physician, optometrist,
institutional superintendent or other qualified person, the
visual acuity of a person is found to be with correction
20/200 or less in the better eye, or the peripheral field of
the person's vision is found to have contracted to a 20-degree
diameter or less, regardless of visual acuity, the person
conducting the examination shall, within 30 days, report to

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