LD 1198
pg. 8
Page 7 of 11 An Act Regarding the Criminal History Record Check of School Employees Page 9 of 11
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Item 1

Sec. 8. 20-A MRSA §13020, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 845, §4,
is amended to read:

3. Denial of certificate, authorization or approval for
prior immoral conduct. Evidence that an applicant for initial
certification, authorization or approval or for a renewal has
injured the health or welfare of a child through physical or
sexual abuse or exploitation is grounds for a denial of a
certificate, authorization or approval. Notwithstanding Title
5, chapter 341, every a person, who, within 5 years of the
application for initial certification, authorization or
approval or renewal, has been convicted in any state or
federal court of a criminal offense involving the physical or
sexual abuse or exploitation of a child, may be presumed by
the commissioner to lack good moral character for the purposes
of this chapter. This presumption shall be is a rebuttable
presumption. Notwithstanding Title 5, chapter 341, the
commissioner shall be is entitled to consider all records of
prior criminal convictions involving child abuse or
exploitation in determining an applicant's eligibility for a
certificate, authorization or approval.

Sec. 9. 20-A MRSA §13020, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__Grounds for denial, revocation, suspension or
nonrenewal.__Grounds for denial of a certificate,
authorization or approval related to criminal offenses, fraud
or gross incompetence may be established by the state board in
its rules in accordance with Title 5, chapter 341.__Except as
provided in this section and Title 5, chapter 341,
consideration of prior criminal convictions as an element of
fitness to be certified, authorized, approved or renewed is
appropriate within 3 years of the applicant's final discharge
from a correctional system.__Beyond the 3 years, an applicant
with a prior criminal conviction who applies for
certification, authorization or approval with no additional
convictions must be considered in the same manner as an
applicant for certification, authorization or approval who has
no prior criminal convictions for the purposes of
certification, authorization, approval or renewal decisions.

The following are grounds for revocation, suspension or

A.__A crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of one
year or more as long as the period of time since the
applicant's final discharge from the sentence is within
the time frame permitted by Title 5, chapter 341;

B.__A conviction that is excepted by statute to which
Title 5, chapter 341 does not apply; or

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