LD 1213
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Establish a Modern Transportation Policy LD 1213 Title Page
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LR 600
Item 1

commissioner is required to use these funds to construct and
maintain shared-use paths in the transportation region in which
the highway or bridge project is located and is required to
solicit input from the regional transportation advisory
committee established for that region in order to select a
location for the shared-use path that best serves the goals of
enhancing urban and small-town environments in the State through
the development of shared-use paths. If the project is located
within more than one transportation region, the commissioner is
required to solicit input from the regional transportation
advisory committee for each of those regions when selecting the
location or locations in those regions for the shared-use paths.
Curb cuts or ramps must be included where necessary as part of
the shared-use path. The bill also establishes a safe paths to
schools program. This program outlines the planning and
construction of shared-use paths to provide safe transportation
for children from neighborhoods to schools, parks and local and
state trails systems. It also creates a grant program to fund
the program. Finally, the bill creates a legislative study
commission to study the potential location, funding and
statewide benefits of shared-use paths. The study commission is
required to seek outside funding to pay for all costs of the

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