LD 1214
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Page 4 of 5 An Act Regarding Confidentiality and Mental Health LD 1214 Title Page
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treatment or other services provided to any person, including a
minor or incompetent person, for which coverage, benefit, or
reimbursement is claimed as long as the policy or certificate
under which the claim is made provides that access to those
records is permitted.__Disclosure of confidential communications
to the 3rd-party reimburser for the purpose specified in this
subsection is not an express or constructive waiver of the
privilege with regard to that confidential communication.__This
section does not prevent access to any records pursuant to any
peer review or utilization review procedure applied and
implemented in good faith.

9.__No repeal of other privileges.__This section does not
repeal by implication any other statute or rule of court
relating to privilege.

Sec. 2. 32 MRSA §7061-A is enacted to read:

§7061-A.__Privileged communication

When present and authorized to do so, a person licensed
under this chapter shall claim the privilege provided under
Title 16, section 53-D for confidential communications between
a patient and the licensed person.

Sec. 3. 32 MRSA §13862, as amended by PL 2001, c. 345, §10, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§13862.__Privileged communication

When present and authorized to do so, a person licensed
under this chapter shall claim the privilege provided under
Title 16, section 53-D for confidential communications between
a patient and the licensed person.


This bill revises and expands the current laws regarding the
privilege against disclosure of confidential communications
between patients and licensed counseling professionals, such
as marriage and family therapists, and between patients and
licensed clinical social workers. It provides a number of
exceptions to the privilege, including allowing disclosure:
in certain criminal proceedings; when the patient is deceased
and the information is needed regarding a will or deed; when
reporting is required by law, such as reporting of child abuse
or elder abuse; and when needed to determine certain matters
in a child protection proceeding. The bill also specifies when
the privilege is considered to be waived and sets forth
procedures for courts in handling claims of privilege.

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