LD 1216
pg. 5
Page 4 of 6 An Act To Amend the Laws Regarding County Government Page 6 of 6
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LR 619
Item 1

B. The clerk shall prepare petition forms at the county's
expense. The petition forms shall must be printed on
paper of uniform size and may consist of as many
individual sheets as are reasonably necessary.

(1) Petition forms shall must carry the following
legend in bold lettering at the top of the face of
each form.

"County of ...."

"Each of the undersigned voters respectfully requests
the county commissioners to establish a charter
commission for the purpose of revising the county
charter or preparing a new county charter."

Each signature to a petition must be in ink or other
indelible instrument and must be followed by the
residence of the voter with street and number, if
any. No petition may contain any party or political

(2) The clerk shall note the date of each petition
form issued. All petitions must be filed within 120
days of the date of issue or they are void.

(3) Each petition form shall must have printed on
its back an affidavit to be executed by the
circulator, stating that the circulator personally
circulated the form, the number of signatures on the
form, that all the signatures were signed in the
circulator's presence, that the circulator believes
them to be genuine signatures of the persons whose
names they purport to be, that each signer has signed
no more than one petition and that each signer had an
opportunity to read the petition before signing.
Before filing the petitions under subparagraph (4),
the circulator shall submit them to the registrar of
each municipality concerned for certification
according to Title 21-A, section 354, subsection 7,
paragraph B.

(4) Petition forms shall must be assembled as one
instrument and filed at one time with the clerk. The
clerk shall note the date of filing on the forms.

Sec. 9. 30-A MRSA §1321, sub-§5, ķA, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 737,
Pt. A, §2 and Pt. C, §106 and amended by PL 1989, c. 6; c. 9,
§2; and c. 104, Pt. C, §§8 and 10, is further amended to read:

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