LD 1217
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Enhance the Collection of Tax Arrearages LD 1217 Title Page
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LR 1337
Item 1

Sec. 5. 36 MRSA §177, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 708, §9, is
further amended to read:

1. Generally. All sales and use taxes collected by a
person pursuant to Part 3, all taxes collected by a person
under color of Part 3 that have not been properly returned or
credited to the persons from whom they were collected, all
taxes collected by or imposed on a person pursuant to chapter
451 or 459, all fees collected pursuant to chapter 719 and all
taxes collected by a person pursuant to chapter 827 constitute
a special fund in trust for the State Tax Assessor. The
liability for the taxes or fees and the interest or penalty on
taxes or fees is enforceable by assessment and collection, in
the manner prescribed in this Part, against the person and
against any officer, director, member, agent or employee of
that person who, in that capacity, is responsible for the
control or management of the funds or finances of that person
or is responsible for the payment of that person's taxes. An
assessment against a responsible individual pursuant to this
section must be made within 6 years from the date on which the
return on which the taxes were required to be reported was
filed the time period prescribed in section 176-B. An
assessment pursuant to this section may be made at any time
with respect to a time period for which a return has become
due but has not been filed.


This bill repeals the current process for the collection of
tax arrearages and instead enacts a process similar to the
process for the collection of federal taxes, including
establishing a 10-year period of limitations for the
assessment or collection of taxes. The period of limitations
is stayed by certain events, such as bankruptcy and the
taxpayer being outside of the United States.

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