LD 1218
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Page 15 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 17 of 94
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Item 1

"opt in" to judicial review of an award for errors of fact or
law. See, e.g., Moncarsh v. Heiley, & Blas, 3 Cal. 4th 1, 2, 832
P. 2d 899, 912 ("[I]n the absence of some limiting clause in the
arbitration agreement, the merits of the award, either on
questions of fact or of law, may not be reviewed except as
provided in the statute.") (1992); Tretina Printing, Inc. v.
Fitzpatrick & Associates, Inc., 135 N.J. 349, 357-58, 640 A. 2d.
788 (1994) ("[T]he parties are free to expand the scope of
judicial review by providing for such expansion in their
contract"). By including Section 23 as one of the referenced
sections in Section 4(c), the Drafting Committee did not intend
that an opt-in clause would "vary a requirement" of Section 23.
If authoritative case law recognizes an opt-in standard of
review, Section 4(c) is not intended to prohibit such a clause
in an arbitration agreement.

f. Section 25(a) and (b) provides the mechanisms for a court
to enter judgment and to award costs. Because these powers are
within the province of a court they are not waivable. Section
25(c) concerns remedies of attorney's fees and litigation
expenses that, similar to other remedies in Section 21,
parties can determine by agreement.

g. Parties cannot vary the nonwaivability provision of this
section, the uniformity of interpretation in Section 29, the
applicability of the Electronic Signatures in Global and
National Commerce Act of Section 30, the effective date in
Section 31, the application of the Act in Section 3(a) and
(c), Section 32 regarding repeal of the UAA or the savings
clause in Section 33.

§8705. Application for judicial relief

1.__Motion for judicial relief.__Except as otherwise
provided in section 8728, an application for judicial relief
under this chapter must be made by motion to the court and
heard in the manner provided by law or rule of court for
making and hearing motions.

2.__Notice of motion. Unless a civil action involving the
agreement to arbitrate is pending, notice of an initial motion
to the court under this chapter must be served in the manner
provided by law for the service of a summons in a civil
action. Otherwise, notice of the motion must be given in the
manner provided by law or rule of court for serving motions in
pending cases.

Uniform Comment

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