LD 1218
pg. 26
Page 25 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 27 of 94
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LR 468
Item 1

Because an arbitration agreement effectively waives a party's
right to a jury trial, courts should ensure the fairness of an
agreement to arbitrate, particularly in instances involving
statutory rights that provide claimants with important
remedies. Courts should determine that an arbitration process
is adequate to protect important rights. Without these
safeguards, arbitration loses credibility as an appropriate
alternative to litigation.

§8707.__Motion to compel or stay arbitration

1.__Motion to compel arbitration.__On motion of a person
showing an agreement to arbitrate and alleging another
person's refusal to arbitrate pursuant to the agreement:

A.__If the refusing party does not appear or does not
oppose the motion, the court shall order the parties to
arbitrate; and

B.__If the refusing party opposes the motion, the court
shall proceed summarily to decide the issue and order the
parties to arbitrate unless it finds that there is no
enforceable agreement to arbitrate.

2.__Motion that no agreement.__On motion of a person
alleging that an arbitration proceeding has been initiated or
threatened but that there is no agreement to arbitrate, the
court shall proceed summarily to decide the issue. If the
court finds that there is an enforceable agreement to
arbitrate, it shall order the parties to arbitrate.

3.__No enforceable agreement.__If the court finds that there
is no enforceable agreement, it may not order the parties to
arbitrate pursuant to subsection 1 or 2.

4.__Claim lacks merit, grounds not established.__The court
may not refuse to order arbitration because the claim subject
to arbitration lacks merit or grounds for the claim have not
been established.

5.__Claim pending in court.__If a proceeding involving a
claim referable to arbitration under an alleged agreement to
arbitrate is pending in court, a motion under this section
must be made in that court. Otherwise a motion under this
section may be made in any court as provided in section 8727.

6.__Stay judicial proceeding upon motion to order
arbitration.__If a party makes a motion to the court to order
arbitration, the court on just terms shall stay any judicial
proceeding that involves a claim alleged to be subject to the

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