LD 1218
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Page 31 of 94 An Act To Enact the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act Page 33 of 94
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Item 1

appropriate relief or could defer the matter to the arbitrator.
It is only where a party initiates an action after an arbitrator
is appointed that the request for a provisional remedy usually
should be made to the arbitrator.

6. If a court makes a ruling under Section 8(a), an
arbitrator is allowed to review the ruling in appropriate
circumstances under Section 8(b). For example, a court, on the
basis of affidavits or other summary material, may grant a
temporary restraining order to prohibit a party from
transferring property. After an arbitrator is appointed, the
arbitrator may decide after a fuller review of the evidence
that the party should be allowed to transfer the property.
This would be a proper decision because the arbitrator, rather
than the court, may have access to more evidence and it is the
arbitrator who makes the final decision on the merits.

7. Section 8(c) is intended to insure that so long as a
party is pursuing the arbitration process while requesting the
court to provide provisional relief under RUAA Section 8(a) or
(b), the motion to the court should not act as a waiver of
that party's right to arbitrate a matter. See Cal. Civ. Proc.
Code § 1281.8(d).

§8709.__Initiation of arbitration

1. Giving notice.__A person initiates an arbitration
proceeding by giving notice in a record to the other parties
to the agreement to arbitrate in the agreed manner between the
parties or, in the absence of agreement, by certified or
registered mail, return receipt requested and obtained, or by
service as authorized for the commencement of a civil action.__
The notice must describe the nature of the controversy and the
remedy sought.

2.__Lack or insufficiency of notice.__Unless a person
objects for lack or insufficiency of notice under section
8715, subsection 3 not later than the beginning of the
arbitration hearing, the person by appearing at the hearing
waives any objection to lack of or insufficiency of notice.

Uniform Comment

1. Section 9 is a new provision in the RUAA regarding
initiation of an arbitration proceeding and is more formal
than the notice requirements in Section 2. The language in
Section 9 is based upon the Florida arbitration statute and,
to some extent, the Indiana arbitration act, both of which

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