LD 1235
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Provide Property Tax Relief to Maine Resident Homeowners Page 3 of 5
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LR 1467
Item 1

extent of their respective interests.__The State Tax Assessor
has no obligation to create separate accounts for each partial
interest in a homestead owned jointly or in common.__A person
may not have more than one homestead.__For purposes of this
subsection, the terms "homestead" and "permanent resident" have
the same meaning as in section 681.

5.__Collection.__Taxes assessed by the State Tax Assessor
must be enforced as generally provided by this Title.

6.__Penalty.__Underpayment of the tax imposed by this
section and underpayment of the prepayment of estimated tax
required by this section are subject to the penalties imposed
by section 187-B.

7.__Deposit of revenue.__Taxes collected pursuant to this
section, including any penalties imposed pursuant to
subsection 6, must be deposited by the State Tax Assessor in a
dedicated fund for the purpose of funding the Maine Residents
Property Tax Program.

Sec. 2. 36 MRSA §6207, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 557, Pt. A,
§3 and affected by Pt. G, §1, is repealed.

Sec. 3. 36 MRSA §6207, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Benefit calculation.__For claimants representing a
nonelderly household, the benefit is calculated as follows.

A.__For a claimant with no dependents and income no more
than $29,100 and for claimants who are couples or
individuals with dependents and incomes no more than
$45,100, the benefit is the amount equal to:

(1)__Fifty percent of that portion of the benefit
base that exceeds 4% but does not exceed 6% of

(2)__Seventy-five percent of that portion of the
benefit base that exceeds 6% but does not exceed 8%
of income; and

(3)__One hundred percent of that portion of the
benefit base that exceeds 8% of income.

B.__For a claimant with no dependents and income more than
$29,100 but no more than $39,100 and for claimants who are
couples or individuals with dependents and incomes more
than $45,100 but no more than $60,100, the benefit is the
amount equal to:

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