LD 1260
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Improve MaineCare Cost-of-care Procedures Affecting Nursing Facility ... LD 1260 Title Page
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LR 1303
Item 1

F.__When an individual is not able to pay the increased
amount to a health care institution, the department may not
recoup from the health care institution any portion of the
MaineCare payments the department was obligated to pay to
the health care institution based on the prior
determination.__When the individual MaineCare recipient
residing in the health care institution is unwilling or
unable to pay the additional amount, the MaineCare program
continues to be responsible for the full amount of the
originally calculated cost-of-care portion that was
allocated to the MaineCare program pursuant to that prior


This bill provides that an individual who holds a power of
attorney, serves as a guardian or conservator or otherwise
serves as a personal representative of a resident of a nursing
facility, assisted living facility, residential care facility
or related facility has a fiduciary duty with respect to that
individual's actions on behalf of that resident. Such an
individual shall apply the available resources of the resident
to make timely payment for services rendered by a licensed
health care facility to the resident and work to secure
available coverage, including coverage from the Medicare and
MaineCare programs.

This bill requires the Department of Human Services, to the
extent reasonably practicable, to determine on a prospective
basis the MaineCare cost of care of an individual MaineCare
recipient residing in a nursing facility or other health care
institution and make monthly prospective MaineCare payments to
the health care institution. It provides that the department
may not retroactively reduce the amount of the MaineCare
payment to a nursing facility or other health care institution
unless the individual MaineCare recipient or the recipient's
responsible party has paid to the nursing facility or other
health care institution the additional amount for which the
department has determined the individual MaineCare recipient
is responsible.

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