LD 1276
pg. 8
Page 7 of 16 An Act To Amend the Sand Dune Laws Page 9 of 16
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LR 349
Item 1

A.__No more than 40% of a lot may be covered by
development, including land area previously developed.__
Lawns and other areas filled for landscaping are
considered development and must be included in the
development calculations.

B.__When development that exists or did exist within one
year of the date that the application is accepted for
processing by the department pursuant to subsection 1
exceeds 40% of the total lot area, the percentage of
developed area may not be increased.

C.__Land area within the V-zone may not be included as
part of a lot for the purposes of this section.

D.__A building may not be constructed so that any part
extends seaward of a line drawn between the seaward-most
points of buildings on adjacent properties when the
construction would significantly obstruct the view from an
adjacent building.

3.__Shoreline changes within 100 years.__A project may not
be permitted pursuant to subsection 1 if, within 100 years,
the property may reasonably be expected to be eroded as a
result of changes in the shoreline so that the project is
likely to be severely damaged after allowing for a 2-foot rise
in sea level over 100 years.__Beach nourishment and dune
restoration projects are excluded from this requirement.

4.__Building size restrictions.__A building greater than 35
feet in height or covering a ground area greater than 2,500
square feet may not be constructed in a coastal sand dune
system unless the applicant for a permit pursuant to
subsection 1 demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence
that the site will remain stable after allowing for a 2-foot
rise in sea level over 100 years.__Reliance upon an existing
seawall is not sufficient as evidence of site stability.__An
existing building may be elevated on a post or pile foundation
to exceed 35 feet for the sole purpose of meeting the
elevation requirements in section 480-BB, subsection 5 and
section 480-CC, subsection 3 without the need to demonstrate
that the site will remain stable after allowing for sea level

When determining the height of the building, the measurement
is taken from the existing, lowest natural elevation within
the building's footprint if the lot is undeveloped, the lowest
natural elevation measured 5 feet from the corners of an
existing building's foundation or the elevation used by the
municipality when determining compliance with local

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