LD 1293
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act To Improve the Fairness of the Health Care Provider Tax and To Ensure Fa... LD 1293 Title Page
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LR 1304
Item 1

This bill also alleviates the unusual administrative burden
imposed on Maine's nursing homes by certain features of the
recently enacted provider tax, specifically the requirement that
tax returns be based on the state fiscal year rather than the
fiscal year used by the facility in keeping its books and
records and certain rigid requirements with respect to the
manner in which estimated taxes are to be computed.

The bill prescribes reimbursement reforms for nursing homes
and residential care facilities, respectively.

The bill makes a technical correction in the definition of
"annual net operating revenue."

The bill provides for a transition to taxation on the basis
of facility fiscal year information and returns, instead of
state fiscal years, after the close of the current state
fiscal year.

The bill introduces reasonable flexibility into the tax
estimation and reconciliation processes for the provider tax.

The bill creates a special revenue account for the proceeds
of the new provider tax.

The Act applies retroactively to July 1, 2002.

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