LD 1317
pg. 6
Page 5 of 11 An Act To Strengthen Maine's "Do Not Call" List Page 7 of 11
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LR 128
Item 1

2.__Acknowledgment required; transmission prohibited. On
receipt of oral or written notification from a recipient of a
facsimile solicitation not to send any further facsimile
transmissions to one or more telephone numbers specified by
the recipient, the person making the facsimile solicitation:

A.__Shall within 24 hours send the recipient a written
acknowledgment of the recipient's notification; and

B.__May not make or cause to be made a transmission to a
telephone number specified by the recipient, except for a
single transmission to comply with paragraph A.

§14755.__Maine do-not-call list

1.__Attorney General to establish Maine do-not-call list.__
The Attorney General shall establish and provide for the
operation of a database to compile a list of names, addresses
and telephone numbers of consumers in this State who object to
receiving unsolicited telemarketing calls.

2.__Contract.__The Attorney General may contract with a
private vendor to maintain the Maine do-not-call list if:

A.__The private vendor has maintained a national do-not-
call list database for more than 2 years containing the
names, addresses and telephone numbers of consumers in
this State who have previously requested to be added to
the vendor's national do-not-call list; and

B.__The contract requires the private vendor to publish
the Maine portion of the national do-not-call list in an
electronic format to any telemarketer who agrees to use
the Maine do-not-call list only for the purposes of
updating the do-not-call list of that telemarketer by
including in its list persons with whom the telemarketer
does not have an established business relationship.

3.__Contents of Maine do-not-call list.__The Maine do-not-
call list must contain the name, address and telephone number
of each consumer in this State who has requested to be on that
list.__The Maine do-not-call list must be updated and
published monthly.__An entry on the Maine do-not-call list
expires on the 3rd anniversary of the date the entry is first
published on the list.__An entry may be renewed for successive
3-year periods, without limitation.__The telephone number of
the consumer on the Maine do-not-call list may be deleted from
the list on the consumer's written request or if the telephone
number of the consumer is changed.

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