LD 1323
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LR 1359
Item 1

occurred within the scope of interstate commission
employment, duties or responsibilities or that such persons
had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the
scope of interstate commission employment, duties or
responsibilities, if the actual or alleged act, error or
omission did not result from intentional or willful and
wanton misconduct on the part of such persons.

§9906.__Rule-making functions of interstate

commission -- Article 6

1.__Rules.__The interstate commission shall promulgate and
publish rules in order to effectively and efficiently achieve
the purposes of the compact.

Rulemaking must occur pursuant to the criteria set forth in
this section and the bylaws and rules adopted pursuant to this
section.__The rulemaking must substantially conform to the
principles of the federal Administrative Procedure Act, 5
United States Code, Section 551 et seq. and the federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 United States Code App. 2 Section 1
et seq., as may be amended, referred to in this subchapter as
"the APA," or other administrative procedures act the
interstate commission determines appropriate consistent with
due process requirements under the United States Constitution
as now or hereafter interpreted by the United States Supreme

All rules and amendments are binding as of the date specified
in each rule or amendment.

2.__Promulgation of rules.__When adopting a rule, the
interstate commission shall:

A.__Publish the proposed rule stating with particularity
the text of the proposed rule and the reason for the
proposed rule;

B.__Allow persons to submit written data, facts, opinions
and arguments, which must be added to the record and made
publicly available;

C.__Provide an opportunity for an informal hearing, if
petitioned by 10 or more persons; and

D.__Promulgate a final rule and its effective date, if
appropriate, based on the rule-making record, including
input from state or local officials and other interested

3.__Rule review.__No later than 60 days after a rule is

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