LD 1323
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LR 1359
Item 1

§9909.__State council -- Article 9

Each compacting state shall create a state council for
interstate juvenile supervision.__While each state may
determine the membership of its own state council, its
membership must include at least one representative from the
legislative, judicial and executive branches of government;
victims groups; and the compact administrator or the compact
administrator's designee.__Each compacting state retains the
right to determine the qualifications of the compact
administrator or deputy compact administrator.__Each state
council shall advise and may exercise oversight and advocacy
concerning that state's participation in interstate commission
activities and other duties as may be determined by that
state, including, but not limited to, development of policy
concerning operations and procedures of the compact within
that state.

§9910.__Compacting state; effective date; amendment -- Article

1.__Eligibility.__Any state, as defined in section 9902, is
eligible to become a compacting state.

2.__Effective date.__The compact becomes effective and
binding upon enactment of the compact into law by no fewer
than 35 of the states.__The initial effective date is July 1,
2004 or upon enactment into law by the 35th state, whichever
is later.__After the initial effective date, the compact
becomes effective and binding as to any other compacting
state, upon enactment of the compact into law by that state.__
The governors of nonmember states or their designees will be
invited to participate in the activities of the interstate
commission on a nonvoting basis prior to adoption of the
compact by all states and territories of the United States.

3.__Amendment.__The interstate commission may propose
amendments to the compact for enactment by the compacting
states.__An amendment does not become effective and binding
upon the interstate commission and the compacting states
unless and until it is enacted into law by unanimous consent
of the compacting states.

§9911.__Withdrawal, default, termination and judicial

enforcement -- Article 11

1.__Withdrawal.__Once effective, the compact continues in
force and remains binding upon each compacting state.__A
compacting state may withdraw from the compact by enacting a
statute specifically repealing the statute that enacted the
compact.__The effective date of withdrawal is the effective
date of the repeal of the compact.__The withdrawing state

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