LD 1337
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Stabilize the Maine Dairy Industry, Protect Consumers against Price G... Page 3 of 3
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LR 837
Item 1

3.__Unconscionably excessive price.__An unconscionably
excessive price is evidenced by:

A.__A disparity between the retail price and the
producers' price that grossly exceeds a reasonable rate of

B.__Significant increases in retail price that are not the
result of an increase paid to producers for raw milk and
that are not otherwise justified by changes in cost to the
dealer or store;

C.__Decreases in prices paid to producers that do not
yield corresponding decreases in retail prices for the
same milk;

D.__Elevated prices or changes in price that appear to
reflect price-fixing or combination activity by 2 or more
stores or dealers; or

E.__Elevated prices that appear to result from regional
market share dominance by a store or dealer or by a
combination of stores or dealers.

Sec. 4. 7 MRSA §3153-A is enacted to read:

§3153-A.__Dairy stabilization subsidy

For the months of March 2003 to December 2004, the director
of the Maine Milk Commission shall distribute on a monthly
basis to Maine's dairy farmers a direct subsidy calculated as
50% of the difference between $17 per hundredweight and the
statistical blend price of milk for Suffolk County,
Massachusetts as determined for that month by the Northeast
Market Administrator of the United States Department of
Agriculture.__If there are insufficient funds to cover the
subsidy, then the Director of the Maine Milk Commission shall
prorate the distribution on the basis of each farmer's
production for the month.__The first distribution must cover
the months of March 2003 to the month in which this section
takes effect.__The last subsidy must be for the month of
December 2004.__The total subsidy for milk production
occurring within a single month may not exceed $1,100,000.

Sec. 5. 36 MRSA §6652, sub-§1-D is enacted to read:

1-D.__Limitation on certain property.__Reimbursement may not
be made pursuant to this chapter to the extent that the
property taxes paid after March 31, 2002 are returned to a
taxpayer by a municipality due to the taxpayer's participation
in a municipal development district pursuant to Title 30-A,
chapter 206, subchapter 1.

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