LD 1344
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LR 1568
Item 1

A.__ In addition to the 30-day period referred to in
subsection 3, paragraph C, the parties have 15 more days,
making a total period of 45 days from the submission of
findings and recommendations, in which to make a good faith
effort to resolve their controversy.

If the parties have not resolved their controversy by the
end of the 45-day period, they may jointly agree to an
arbitration procedure that will result in a binding
determination of their controversy. Such determinations
are subject to review by the Superior Court in the manner
specified by section 972.

If they do not jointly agree to such an arbitration procedure
within 10 days after the end of the 45-day period, then either
party may, by written notice to the other, request that their
differences be submitted to a board of 3 arbitrators.__The
bargaining agent and the public employer shall within 5 days
of such request each select and name one arbitrator and shall
immediately thereafter notify each other in writing of the
name and address of the person so selected. The first 2
arbitrators so selected and named shall, within 10 days from
such request, agree upon and select and name a neutral
arbitrator.__If either party does not select its arbitrator or
if the 2 arbitrators fail to agree upon, select and name a
neutral arbitrator within the 10 days, either party may
request the American Arbitration Association to utilize its
procedures for the selection of the neutral arbitrator.__As
soon as possible after receipt of that request, the neutral
arbitrator must be selected in accordance with rules and
procedures prescribed by the American Arbitration Association
for making that selection.__The neutral arbitrator so selected
will not, without the consent of both parties, be the same
person who was selected as mediator pursuant to subsection 2
nor any member of the fact-finding board selected pursuant to
subsection 3.__As soon as possible after the selection of the
neutral arbitrator, the 3 arbitrators or if either party has
not selected its arbitrator, the 2 arbitrators, as the case
may be, shall meet with the parties or their representatives,
or both, forthwith, either jointly or separately, make
inquiries and investigations, hold hearings, or take such
other steps as they consider appropriate.__If the neutral
arbitrator is selected by utilizing the procedures of the
American Arbitration Association, the arbitration proceedings
must be conducted in accordance with the rules and procedures
of the American Arbitration Association.__The hearing must be
informal, and the rules of evidence prevailing in judicial
proceedings are not binding. All

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