LD 1361
pg. 18
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LR 995
Item 1

A.__Whether the information supplied on the application or
any documents made a part of the application is true and

B.__Whether each of the requirements of this section has
been met; and

C.__Whether the applicant meets the requirements for
licensure under this chapter.

The consent to review records includes taking whatever action
is necessary to permit the Chief of the State Police or a
designee to have access to confidential records held by banks,
courts, law enforcement agencies and the United States Armed
Forces for purposes stated in this subsection.

§375.__Fees; term of license; transferability

1.__Fees.__The biennial fee for a license issued under this
chapter is as follows:

A.__A license for a video lottery terminal manufacturer is

B.__A license for a video lottery terminal wholesaler is

C.__A license for a video lottery terminal distributor is
$2,000; and

D.__A license for an operator of a video lottery terminal
who under that license may also act as a video lottery
terminal wholesaler or distributor is $2000.

In addition to the video lottery terminal biennial license
fee, the commission may charge a one-time application fee for
a license listed in paragraph A, B, C or D in an amount equal
to the actual cost of processing the application and
performing any background investigations.__All fees collected
pursuant to this section must be deposited directly to the
General Fund.

2.__Term of license.__All licenses issued by the commission
under this chapter are effective for 2 years and are renewable
biennially, unless revoked pursuant to section 376.

3.__Transferable.__A license issued under this chapter is
transferable or assignable as long as the commission finds
that the transferee or assignee satisfies all requirements for
the issuance of the license transferred or assigned.

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