LD 1369
pg. 19
Page 18 of 49 An Act To Establish the Maine Community College System Page 20 of 49
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LR 2033
Item 1

Community College System shall each adopt a policy that ensures
that each public system, its respective campus and any
foundation related to each public system or its campus is
prohibited from accepting funds from any source that would
interfere with or otherwise restrict the academic freedoms
typically accorded to the faculty of public higher educational
institutions in teaching, research and expression of opinions.
Policies adopted or amended by the trustees of each public
system must include the establishment of a process for reviewing
gifts, grants or donations of funds to ensure that the gifts,
grants or donations of funds do not include restrictions that
would interfere with or otherwise restrict the academic freedom
of the faculty of each public system. This section may not be
construed in such a way as to prohibit a donor from designating
funds for a particular purpose or use, including, but not
limited to, research, scholarships, construction or development.

Sec. 56. 20-A MRSA §10701, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1991, c. 563, §3,
is further amended to read:

3. Educational institution. "Educational institution"
means any person, partnership, board, association, institution
or corporation other than the University of Maine System and
the Maine Technical Community College System that offers
academic, educational, literary or professional courses or

Sec. 57. 20-A MRSA §11415, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 728,
§13, is further amended to read:

2. Qualifications. Each member must be a resident of this
State. One member must be the Treasurer of State, ex officio
and nonvoting, or the Treasurer of State's designee. Of the
remaining 6 members to be appointed by the Governor, 3 members
must be trustees, directors, officers or employees of
institutions of higher education, one of whom must be from an
institution not owned or operated by the State or any of its
political subdivisions and one of whom must be from a
technical community college owned or operated by the State.
Each member of the authority, before entering upon that
member's duties, shall take and subscribe the oath or
affirmation required by the Constitution of Maine, Article IX,
Section 1. A record of each oath must be filed in the office
of the Secretary of State. With the exception of a member
serving in an ex officio capacity, a member of the authority
may not at the same time serve as an officer, director or
employee of a nonprofit corporation formed under section 11407
and former Title 20, section 2237, of the state agency
designated as administrator
of federal guaranteed student loan programs pursuant to
chapter 417, subchapter I 1 or of any entity that has a
contract to provide a significant level of administrative
services to the authority, to a nonprofit

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