LD 1369
pg. 42
Page 41 of 49 An Act To Establish the Maine Community College System Page 43 of 49
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LR 2033
Item 1

available for tuition, the committee shall provide the
Commissioner of Labor with its biennial plan,
including projected apprenticeship enrollments and a
subsequent budget request.

(3) The committee shall assist the Department of
Education, the State's technical colleges Maine
Community College System, local school authorities,
such as adult education and applied technology
centers, and other groups in developing training
courses to establish preapprenticeship training
programs if the technical community colleges, local
schools and other groups wish to do so. Successful
completion of preapprenticeship training programs
enables a participant to meet the qualifying
standards of the apprenticeship for which the
participant has expressed serious interest. All
preapprenticeship training programs are subject to
approval by the committee.

Sec. 111. 26 MRSA §2006, sub-§7, śC, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 410,
§12 and affected by §13, is amended to read:

C. The Governor shall appoint members to a technical
support group to assist the council in the performance of
its duties and responsibilities. The Governor shall
appoint persons to serve on the technical support group
for 3-year terms. The services provided by the State's
various workforce organizations must be fairly represented
in the technical support group with consideration given to
a balance between rural and urban interests.
Organizations with representation on the technical support
group may include, but are not limited to:

(1) The Job Training Partnership Act Service
Delivery Areas;

(2) Adult education;

(3) School-to-work;

(4) Providers that specialize in women's workforce

(5) Rehabilitation providers;

(6) Welfare-to-work;

(7) The University of Maine System;

(8) The Maine Technical Community College System;

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