LD 1380
pg. 5
Page 4 of 10 An Act To Promote Safety and Fair Labor Practices for Forestry Workers Page 6 of 10
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LR 266
Item 1

6.__Access for visitors.__The employer shall ensure that any
forestry worker residing in employer-provided housing pursuant
to this section has the right to receive visitors as
guaranteed by the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in State v.
DeCoster, 653 A. 2d 891 (Me. 1995) by ensuring that visitors
have access to any roadway that is reasonably used to reach
such housing.

7.__Telephone access.__The employer shall ensure that
forestry workers residing in employer-provided housing have
access to a telephone for personal calls.__The employer is not
responsible for the costs of personal calls made by the

§645.__Expenses not responsibility of workers

1.__Equipment and supplies provided at employer expense.__An
employer may not require a forestry worker to provide or pay
for equipment or supplies necessary to the worker's duties,
including, but not limited to, protective gear and clothing,
sharpening tools, brush saws and other tools or machinery used
to perform reforestation activities and the gasoline, oil and
other items necessary to operate such machinery.

2.__Recoupment from worker prohibited.__An employer may not
take any action, including, but not limited to, lowering any
wage or piece rate paid to a forestry worker, to directly or
indirectly secure, procure, obtain, recover or recoup from any
forestry worker any of the costs or expenses that must be paid
by employers pursuant to this subchapter, including, but not
limited to, the costs of housing, transportation and equipment
and supplies.

3.__Worker may negotiate certain equipment use.__This
section does not prevent a forestry worker who owns a brush
saw from voluntarily negotiating, at the worker's option, an
arrangement with the employer whereby the employer reimburses
the worker at a reasonable rate for the use of the worker's

I.§646.__Prohibition aII.gainst discrimination and retaliation

An employer or other person may not intimidate, threaten,
restrain, coerce, blacklist, discharge, fail to recruit, fail
to rehire or in any manner discriminate or retaliate against a
forestry worker because the worker has:

1.__Proceedings.__Made, filed, instituted, caused to be
instituted or participated in any way in any proceeding under
or related to this subchapter;

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