LD 1390
pg. 5
Page 4 of 10 An Act To Provide Self-regulation for Registered Dental Hygienists Page 6 of 10
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LR 1269
Item 1

3.__False advertising.__Establish rules relating to false,
deceptive or misleading advertising, except that no rules may be
inconsistent with any rule adopted pursuant to Title 5, section
207, subsection 2; and

4.__Protocols for professional review committee.__Establish
protocols for the operation of a professional review committee
as defined in Title 24, section 2502, subsection 4-A.__The
protocols must include the committee's reporting information
the board considers appropriate regarding reports received,
contracts or investigations made and the disposition of each
report, except that the committee is not required to disclose
any personally identifiable information.__The protocols may
not prohibit an impaired dental hygienist from seeking
alternative forms of treatment.

§15304.__Liaison; limitations

On or before August 1st of each year, the board shall submit
to the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation,
for the preceding fiscal year ending June 30th, an annual
report of its operations and financial position, together with
comments and recommendations the board considers essential.

The Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation
shall act as a liaison between the board and the Governor.

The Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation
may not exercise or interfere with the exercise of
discretionary, regulatory or licensing authority granted by
law to the board.__The commissioner may require the board to
be accessible to the public for complaints and questions
during regular business hours and to provide any information
the commissioner requires in order to ensure that the board is
operating administratively within the requirements of this


The board shall submit to the Commissioner of Professional
and Financial Regulation its budgetary requirements in the
same manner as is provided in Title 5, section 1665, and the
commissioner shall in turn transmit these requirements to the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of
the Budget without any revision, alteration or change, unless
alterations are mutually agreed upon by the department and the
board or the board's designee.__The budget submitted by the
board to the commissioner must be sufficient to enable the
board to comply with this chapter.

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