LD 1391
pg. 10
Page 9 of 15 An Act To Approve Public Charter Schools in Maine Page 11 of 15
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LR 960
Item 1

action in reasonable detail and that the charter school board of
trustees may request in writing an informal hearing before the
chartering authority within 14 days of receiving the notice.

5.__Appeal.__The charter school may appeal the chartering
authority's decision to terminate the charter to the state

6.__Dissolution of charter school.__When a charter is
terminated, the charter school must be dissolved as provided
by state law governing nonprofit organizations.

7.__Disposition of students upon dissolution.__If an
agreement is terminated, the charter school staff shall assist
its students to find other appropriate education placements.


1.__Selection.__The charter school shall select its

2.__Certification.__The charter school staff must include at
least one teacher holding an appropriate teaching certificate.

3.__Right to organize.__Teachers may choose to bargain
collectively or form a professional group in accordance with
this subsection.

A.__Teachers who are employees of the charter school have
the same rights as other teachers in public education to
organize and bargain collectively.__Bargaining units at
the charter school must be separate from other bargaining
units, such as a district bargaining unit.__Staff at
noncharter public schools converting to charter schools
have a right to employment benefits as stated in
applicable collective bargaining agreements or they may
vote to be represented in alternative ways.

B.__A teacher may choose to be part of a professional
group that operates the instructional program under an
agreement with the charter school, forming a partnership
or producer cooperative that the teachers collectively

4.__Leave; seniority.__Teachers in a noncharter public
school may take leave to teach in a charter school.__A school
district must grant service credit to those teachers for
teaching experience at a charter school, as long as their
service at a charter school is reasonably comparable to
service in their noncharter public school.__Any such teacher
may apply for a leave of absence in renewable one-year terms,
up to a maximum of 2 years.

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