LD 1391
pg. 6
Page 5 of 15 An Act To Approve Public Charter Schools in Maine Page 7 of 15
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LR 960
Item 1

§2415.__Requirements for charter schools

1.__Organization.__A charter school shall organize under one
of the forms of organization available under the laws of the
State for a nonprofit corporation or a financially autonomous
cooperative.__The governing board of trustees is responsible
for the operation of the charter school, including, but not
limited to, its finances; the hiring of the principal,
teachers and staff; and the academic and extracurricular
programs.__A charter school may secure services from another
public body, nonprofit organization, private organization or
individual, but a charter school may not contract with a for-
profit education management organization for whole-school
management services.

2.__Nonsectarian.__A charter school may not be affiliated
with a private sectarian school or religious institution.__The
school must be nonsectarian in its programs, admission
policies, employment practices and all other operations.

3.__Homeschool; Internet.__Charter schools may not be used
as a method of providing education or generating revenue for
students who are being homeschooled.__Charter schools may not
offer programs of study that require or permit students to
take more than 25% of their studies on-line.

4.__Admission.__A charter school shall admit students as
provided in section 2414.

5.__Accountability.__A charter school is accountable to its
chartering authority for its performance as provided in the
charter agreement pursuant to section 2416.__Charter schools
must work to achieve the comprehensive statewide learning
results and administer state assessments or equivalent
assessments required of public schools as part of state
academic standards.__These assessments must be commensurate
with the charter school's mission and objectives.

6.__Tuition.__A charter school may not charge tuition or
fees beyond those allowed in a regular public kindergarten to
grade 12 program, except that a charter school offering a
residential component may charge a fee for room and board and,
if a fee is charged, shall offer assistance to families
needing scholarships for room and board fees.

7.__State and local requirements.__A charter school shall
meet all applicable state and local health, safety and civil
rights requirements.

8.__No discrimination.__A charter school may not
discriminate on the basis of color, race, national origin,

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