LD 1395
pg. 4
Page 3 of 30 An Act for Comprehensive Reform of Maine's Tax Structure Page 5 of 30
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LR 824
Item 1

The municipal clerk shall prepare the required ballots, which
must contain the following question:

"Do you favor a__[insert 1% or 2%]__sales tax to be
imposed on the sale of prepared food and lodging in
[insert name of municipality]?"

2.__Repeal.__A limited sales tax adopted under this chapter
may be repealed in the same manner as provided for adoption of
the tax in subsection 1.__The ballot question must read:

"Do you favor repealing the__[insert 1% or 2%]__sales tax
on the sale of prepared food and lodging in [insert name
of municipality]?"

§1873.__Rate; collection

1.__Rate.__A limited sales tax adopted under this chapter is
equal to 1% or 2% of the value of prepared food and lodging
sold at retail in the municipality adopting the tax and
subject to tax under chapter 213.

2.__Collection.__A limited sales tax adopted under this
chapter must be added to the tax imposed under chapter 213 and
must be collected and administered in the same manner as taxes
imposed under that chapter.

§1874.__Implementation of tax

1.__Effective date.__The imposition or repeal of a limited
tax under section 1872 takes effect on the first day of the
next succeeding calendar quarter that begins more than 90 days
after the date of the election at which the tax was approved
or repealed by the voters.__The municipality adopting or
repealing the tax shall notify the State Tax Assessor at least
90 days before the tax or repeal is effective and shall state
the effective date of the tax.

2.__Distribution of the tax.__The proceeds of a limited
sales tax imposed under this chapter must, on or about the
20th day of each month, be remitted to the State and
distributed as follows:

A.__Two percent of the amount remitted to the State must
be retained by the State to defray its costs of

B.__Five and two-tenths percent of the amount remitted to
the State must be paid to the Local Government Fund
established in Title 30-A, section 5681; and

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