LD 1416
pg. 5
Page 4 of 5 An Act To Create an Owner-operator Requirement in the Scallop Fishery LD 1416 Title Page
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LR 1906
Item 1

A.__Research projects and grants made by the Scallop
Research Fund.__The council may seek advice from scientists
who have expertise in marine resources management in
determining the research needs for the scallop fishery; and

B. Other matters of interest to the scallop fishery.

4.__Compensation.__Members are entitled to expenses
according to Title 5, chapter 379.

5.__Chair and officers.__The council shall choose annually
one of its members to serve as chair for a one-year term.__The
council may select other officers and designate their duties.

6.__Meetings.__The council shall meet at least once a year.__
It may also meet at other times at the call of the chair or
the chair's designee or at the call of the commissioner or the
commissioner's designee.


This bill changes the licensing for scallop dragging by
licensing individuals rather than licensing the activities of
a boat. The bill also adds an owner-operator provision to the
scallop license, requiring that the owner of the vessel or a
family member of the owner must be on board when that vessel
is being used to harvest scallops. The bill makes exemptions
for temporary illness or disability on the part of the owner
or temporary changes due to a boat accident or mechanical
failure. A grandfathering exemption is added to allow for a
person who currently holds more than one scallop dragging
license to continue to do so, and allow other individuals to
use the vessel for scallop harvesting without the owner on

The bill creates the Scallop Research Fund, which may be
used for research and development of the scallop resource and
is funded by a surcharge to the scallop draggers license, the
hand fishing scallop license and the scallop diving tender
license. The bill creates the Scallop Advisory Council to
make recommendations to the Commissioner of Marine Resources
on expenditures from the fund and other matters of interest to
the scallop fishery.

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