LD 1417
pg. 10
Page 9 of 16 An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing Aquaculture Leasing Page 11 of 16
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LR 1908
Item 1

A. Information submitted to the department under this
section may be designated by the submittor as being only
for the confidential use of the department, its agents and
employees, other agencies of State Government, as
authorized by the Governor, employees of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Army
Corps of Engineers, the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service, the National Marine Fisheries Services, the
United States Department of Agriculture, the Attorney
General and employees of the municipality in which the
aquaculture facility is located. The designation must be
clearly indicated on each page or other portion of
information. The commissioner shall establish procedures
to ensure that information so designated is segregated
from public records of the department. The department's
public records must include the indication that
information so designated has been submitted to the
department, giving the name of the submittor and the
general nature of the information. Upon a request for
information, the scope of which includes information so
designated, the commissioner shall notify the submittor.
Within 15 days after receipt of the notice, the submittor
shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department
that the designated information should not be disclosed
because the information is a trade secret or production,
commercial or financial information, the disclosure of
which would impair the competitive position of the
submittor and would make available information not
otherwise publicly available. Unless such a demonstration
is made, the information must be disclosed and becomes a
public record. The department may grant or deny
disclosure for the whole or any part of the designated
information requested and within 15 days shall give
written notice of the decision to the submittor and the
person requesting the designated information. A person
aggrieved by a decision of the department may appeal to
the Superior Court. All information provided by the
department to the municipality under this paragraph is
confidential and not a public record under Title 1,
chapter 13. If a request for the information is submitted
to the municipality, the municipality shall submit that
request to the commissioner to be processed by the
department as provided in this paragraph.

Sec. 23. 12 MRSA §6078, as amended by PL 1999, c. 156, §4, is

Sec. 24. 12 MRSA §6078-A is enacted to read:

§6078-A.__Aquaculture Monitoring, Research and Development

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